- Application, (Windows C++) OBID USB and TCP/IP RFID readers for the Clear-View Bar Master.
- Application, (Windows MFC C++) ADP Pump test fixture using Agilent laser calibrator for Tecan.
- Firmware, (MSP430-assembly & C) Speedwell that reads load cell and RFID tag for Clear-View.
- Application, (Windows C++) displays bottle dispense data from speedwell for Clear-View.
- Firmware, (MSP430 assembly & C) motor controllers using TI MSP430F1232 for Wafergen Biosystems.
- Application, (Windows C++) reads RFID tags for Rainin.
- Application (FileMaker Pro plug-in) reads RFID tags for Rainin.
- Firmware, (LPC2368 assembly & C++) light sensor for Wafergen Biosystems.
- Application, (Windows Tablet C++) catheter evaluation test fixture for Boston Scientific.
- Firmware, (Windows CE 5, SH4 C++) semiconductor automation equipment for Asyst.
- Windows, Service (C++), proprietary SSH/SFTP Windows service for bccPrivacy.
- Firmware, (Windows CE SH4 C++) modified board support package (BSP) for Asyst.
- Firmware (MSP430 assembly & C) Developed VikingProâ„¢ Compact Light Controller for Hydrovation.
- Hardware, (Orcad) SWL-7500 OEM-Grade Controller Laboratory grade laser controller for New Focus.
- Firmware (LPC2368 C++) SWL-7500 OEM-Grade Controller with TEC and USB interface for New Focus,
- Application, (Windows C++) Sets parameters in SWL-7500 OEM-Grade Controllerfor New Focus.
- Application, (Windows C++) Manufacturing calibration and test for SWL-7500 OEM-Grade Controller for New Focus.
- Application, (Windows C++) One button installer combining application, multiple third party drivers and custom PC settings for ForteBio .
- Firmware (Windows CE, Embedded XP C++) irrigation controller for Hydrovation.
- Application, (Windows C++) One button installer combining application, multiple third party drivers and custom PC settings for Arcturus .
- Application, DNA Analysis equipment user interface (WinNT,MSVC 4.2, Microsoft MFC).
- Firmware (68HC11-assembly & C) dual keyboard for video post production.
- Firmware (80386-C) TV listings for set top box.
- Application, Project TRAK, (Microsoft MFC, Windows) software to track missing children.
- Application, Installs for Netscape and Light Source, (Install Shield 3, Win95, WinNT).
- Application, HTTP server, (Microsoft MFC, Win95, WinNT, client-server).
- Application, GUI interface to eye operating equipment, (Microsoft MFC, Windows).
- Software (Microsoft MFC, Win95, Windows, MSDOS) tools to support MPEG2 PC card.
- Software (C-Sun Unix) to interface a high level debugger, VxGdb, to PC.
- Application, product support using VoiceView modem, (Microsoft MFC, Win95, client-server).
- Application, graphic imaging library, (Microsoft MFC, Windows, WinNT).
- Application, video teleconferencing & video codec, (Microsoft MFC, Windows, WinNT).
- Application, Ofoto for Windows 2, (Microsoft MFC, Windows) for color scanning of images.
- Firmware (68HC11-assembly & C) to control multiple chromatography pumps.
- Application (Microsoft C-Windows;MAC-Think C) pump user interface simulators.
- Application, Ofoto for Windows 1, (Borland C++, Windows) for gray scale scanning of images.
- Application (Microsoft C-Windows) to develop, simulate and debug 8051 assembly code.
- Application (Think C-Mac) to stress test Macintosh ADB connector.
- Software driver (Think C-Mac) that controls the NEC PC-VCR through the serial port.
- Firmware (8051FX-assembly) to control a battery powered golf swing analyzer.
- Software (C-Sun) to interface a high level debugger, XRAY, to Weitek’s RISC processor.
- Application (MPW-Mac) to communicate using RS-422 to a board that controls VCRs.
- Hardware (Orcad) and Firmware (80188-assembly) for control of multiple VCRs.
- Software (80386-assembly-MSDOS) for creating a 386 protected mode and virtual tasking OS.
- Hardware (Orcad) and Firmware (80188-assembly) for wafer indexer and transport.
- Software (C-MSDOS,Apollo) interfacing HP 64700 emulators to XRAY debugger (68000, 80186, Z80).
- Software (80386-assembly-MSDOS) for swapping between multiple MSDOS and MS-Windows tasks and the paging of virtual memory.
- Firmware (8051-assembly-MSDOS) for battery powered IV pump.
- Software TSR (8088-assembly-MSDOS) to configure a peripheral.
- Software (8088-assembly-MSDOS) for desk organizer IBM PC product.
- Software (8088-assembly-MSDOS) for organizing and editing of presentations for IBM PC.
- Firmware (8085-PLM) for chromatography precision pump system.
- Digital, analog, and firmware (8048-assembly) for communicating over AC power lines.
- Software (Z80-assembler-Oasis) for 8048 cross assembler.
- Firmware (8085-PLM) for dynamic speed control of VCRs used in video post production.
- Software (PDP 11-Pascal) used for post production editing in commercial broadcast industry.
- Firmware (8048-assembly) to autofocus microscope used in high precision measurement.
- 1200 baud modem communication software (Z80-C/assembly-MPM).
- Prom programmer control software (Z80-C-MPM and Z80-assembly).
- Firmware (NSC800-assembly) for real time emulation of CMOS digital circuitry (patent) and (Z80-assembly) for online, real time signature analysis testing of circuitry used in nuclear power safety equipment.
- Firmware (Z80-assembly) for tightly coupled serial communication between microprocessors.
- Hardware and firmware (8085-assembly) to move semiconductor wafers to DSW.
- Firmware (8080-PLM) to control movement and processing of wafers, WaferTrac.
- Firmware (8080-assembly) to control the stepper motors used in semiconductor wire bonder.
- Software (PDP 11-Fortran/assembly) to control a metropolitan train system, MARTA.